Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Waiting Game

Went back the following friday and the doctor gave me an HCG shot to do on Saturday to release the girls and told us to do the "baby dance" ...Today is the 12th day of the 14th that I have to wait to take a PT, I'm not going to lie I have taken about 7, I took one a few days after just to see how long the HCG stayed in my system, by day 9 I was testing negative and now I am just praying that by day 14 I will test positive...I'm losing hope, today was negative and even though I know I shouldn't rely on a test till after 14 days, i'm going crazy. We'll test on Saturday again...either way I'll be glad to be off this progesterone, it's making me so tired!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 18

So after a second round of clomephene 50mg more my girls are producing just enough to maybe be prompted with a stimulant to maybe by friday be big enough to drop and have the possibility to make babies. Today resulted in a intrusive ultrasound and a painful shot in the hip and a return appointment for friday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 11

In about 7 hours I will be heading to the Dr. for the dreaded day 11, this is the day he tells me if I have any follicles that look like they might want fall into the great unknown and maybe, with a miracle create a baby with...First things first, pray for follicles, then we'll talk baby.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Here We Go Again

If any of you know me you know a little of the story and if not I promise you that when I have time I'll post the story. For now I have to start this blog for myself, to document my journey once again into the unknown land of being fertility challenged and an emotional wreck and because before I was scared that I would somehow curse myself if I talked about it too much, or that others would look down on me because I couldn't do what they could.
For today I (for those who know the "lingo") I Am on
Day one.
It's been 17months since our little Jason was born, we've been hoping that we could be able to conceive without interference in this time, but can't afford to wait much longer, so today is
Day One
which will lead to Day Two and then to Day Clomid (Three) and 8 days later will be Day Ultra Intrusive Ultrasound (Eleven) to see if the clomid helped the girls release any potential babies.
Day One...
Counting days again really makes the time go slow